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In 1142 near the Church of Santa Barbara, was born in Piazza Armerina Enna Sicily
The first hospital in today's via Roma, first call fundachi road and then ferreria, count Simon Aleramic market reserves an area destined to hospices and hostels, suitable for treating Lombard and citizens to assist travelers and pilgrims.
The hospital, located in different homes, is governed by the friars of the order of Saint James of Altopascio, between which there is a prevalence of hospital on those military elements.
The brothers Hospitallers originate from their Commandery/Hospice/hospital dedicated to St. James, at the gateway to the North of the modern town and founded in the early years of the 1100, in the retinue of Henry Aleramico Lord of Paterṇ and Butera and father of Simon.
In 1390 the Hospice-Hospital (Domus Hospitalis, we consider on the name) is occupied by the troops of King Martin the younger who make it their headquarters, sending him into crisis.